Gravity Cars - A Fourth Grade Unit

We started with some Labs that reviewed how to use certain science tools (triple-beam balance, rulers, stopwatch, beakers, graduated cylinders and microscopes. After sessions with each tool, we had a "quiz" on using each of them.

Next we had a mini lesson on attachement techniques (flanges, slots, brass fasteners, etc.) which was a review for some and a new concept for others.

The students were then asked to write down the first "science" thing that came to their mind when they heard a given word. The words were: gravity, mass, prototype, distance, weight distribution, friction and time. This gave us a base line of concepts important to this project.

Now the project:
     In groups of two, create something that will travel down a ramp and move along the floor the farthest, using just gravity.
     The only material they could only use was: 1 sheet of oaktag, 1 wooden skewer, 4 plastic wheels, pennies, and masking tape. Tools included: scissors, hole punch, rulers, cutting board and ceramic box cutter (check out ...I don' have a stake in the company, but I love there stuff).
     They were given a design sheet and set off to work.

     Over 9 class sessions the students designed, created, tested and made adjustments to their creations.

We then did final test and collected the data (distance, time traveled and any other anecdotal information they thought necessary.

Finally, the students were asked to write a reflection piece on the whole process. Prompts included: "We got the results we did because..."; "______ affected the performance of our creation by _____."; and "During this activity we...". They were also asked to give examples of how/when/why they saw friction, weight distribution, and gravity was evident in this experience.

After reading all their papers, we debriefed as a class and discussed other concepts like potential and kinetic energy, inertia, and conservation of energy.

Here are all their creations:


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